Love Will Always Find A Way.

There is....

Life is not..

17-Year-Old Rutvik Oza Solves An Unsolved Problem In Maths!

An Indian boy has proposed a solution to an unsolved problem in mathematics. The 17-year-old young achiever, Rutvik Oza, a student of The H. B. Kapadia New High School, from Ahmedabad, Gujarat has now created a rift in the field of maths by providing a closed formula for the open problem called Reve's Puzzle (also popularly known as the 4-peg Tower of Hanoi Problem).
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Posted via email from S4NJ33V


I Will Never Understand...

When you have to make a hard decision..

What do Saturn's rings look like from the dark side?


What do Saturn's rings look like from the dark side?
From Earth, we usually see Saturn's rings from the same side of the ring plane that the Sun illuminates them -- one might call this the bright side. Geometrically, in the above picture taken in August by the robot Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn, the Sun is behind the camera but on the other side of the ring plane. Such a vantage point gives a breathtaking views of the most splendid ring system in the Solar System. Strangely, the rings have similarities to a photographic negative of a front view. For example, the dark band in the middle is actually the normally bright B-ring. The ring brightness as recorded from different angles indicates ring thickness and particle density of ring particles. At the top left of the frame is Saturn's moon Tethys, which although harder to find, contains much more mass than the entire ring system.

Posted via email from S4NJ33V



How to Create a Custom Desktop Shortcut?

How to Create a Custom Desktop Shortcut?
Step 1: On the Desktop, Right Click and hover over New and Click Shortcut.

Create Desktop Shortcut

Step 2: Give the execution code in the ‘Type of the location of the item
Step 3: Give a name for the shortcut in the next screen and click ok.
Step 4: A shortcut will be created in the desktop which on double clicking will execute the command which you have given earlier.

Now, How to Create a Custom Desktop Shortcut to Lock the PC?
After Step 1, give the following line as the target for shortcut
%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation

Create Shortcut

Give a name of your preference for the Lock PC shortcut.
Click OK and you are done!

Posted via email from S4NJ33V

Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted.

RIP Aaron Swartz

Anonymous Appears To Have Hacked MIT Website, Leaves Swartz Tribute

Hacktivist organization, Anonymous, appears to have hacked MIT’s website and left a tribute message to the late Internet activist, Aaron Swartz. ”We tender apologies to the administrators at MIT for this temporary use of their websites,” writes a postscript to a memorial note posted by Anonymous, on a subdomain of the official website
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Posted via email from S4NJ33V

Just Like Seasons...people change!

The truth!

One day..

You never know..

Happy New Year 2013 !!!

Do you..

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